There is no work more cumbersome for legal document professionals than legal document work in which clauses, regulations, and ordinances are updated daily. Crestec supports the entire work process for legal documents, from creating the draft, to promulgation, enactment, and management of the revision history. Currently, over 200 local governments and organizations (universities, independent administrative institutions, bar associations, and so on) in Japan are using our service.
LegalCRUD is a cloud-based service that supports legal work by centralizing tasks such as managing, searching, editing, correcting, and updating regulation collections.
Searching for specific regulations and grasping the content of entire regulation collections is made easy using the [Keyword Search], [Identify Revisions], and [Link Jurisdictional Regulations of Relevant Departments] functions.
From performing actions such as "Change Modified Parts," "Proofreading," and "Output Old/New Comparison Table" during revisions using the editing support function, all the way to updating the latest versions after confirmation, LegalCRUD works together with our other operation support services to help you with your legal work needs.
Pamphlet (Open PDF)
Changed locations can be updated immediately. No more lost time due to such factors as the need to outsource work. In addition, if there is time available between the revision and the enactment, revision work can be performed in advance and the system can be set so that the information will be updated automatically on the enactment date. The system is also equipped with other functions, such as a revision history management function and a function for viewing abolished and expired ordinances and statutes, making not only the draft creation process, but all processes, more efficient.
The most difficult part of law document work is creating drafts. Jourei-kun uses an exclusive editing tool to standardize the document structure, ensure the vocabulary terms are consistent, and improve the accuracy of the documents. In addition, in the approval and resolution processes, because a comparison table of the new and previous text and materials showing revised text can be created automatically, you can produce standardized materials and reduce the time required for checks. Update regulation collections within agencies. Jourei-kun converts regulation collections and bylaw collections into an XML format database and allows for revision and uploading to be performed easily from a web browser.
Jourei-kun converts regulation collections and bylaw collections into an XML format database and allows for revision and uploading to be performed easily from a web browser.
We provide valuable information for law document work.
In our "Directive Revision Register", laws and directives printed in the official gazette are arranged in an easy-to-understand manner suited for people involved in law document work.
Hourei-kun (Law Document Section)
Our Law Document Section provides valuable information for law document work. In our "Directive Revision Register", laws and directives printed in the official gazette are arranged in an easy-to-understand manner suited for people involved in law document work.