Business Field Development

  1. Business Field
  2. Development


Crestec can create systems that support the entire manual-creation process.
As document creation professionals, we can propose optimal systems that not only solve existing problems, but also ensure that potential issues and hidden problems our customers may face get covered.
Our law document support system and document comparison and detailed-checking tool for Japanese are highly valued by public offices and businesses involved in creating clauses and statutes.

1. Support and Integrated Management System odomasy

odomasy is a cloud service that supports a seamless production process flow, allowing you to centralize various types of work, such as writing, translating, and DTP (desktop publishing). This system is very effective at reducing labor and time, preventing errors, and improving production efficiency.

Workflow Proposals Tailored to Your Needs

Our system development staff, together with our professionals in writing, proofreading, translating, DTP, printing, and other fields, listen closely to the client in order to propose a system composed of suitable practical modules. Each module can be used independently or combined with other modules as needed. If you are having any trouble in your document-creation work, first talk to Crestec to learn how we can help you.

 WESIPY Writing-Support System

This module uses an intuitive editing tool that is similar to word-processor software to help make writing easier and more efficient. Because the module can show an approximation of the final layout, even for structured documents such as XML and DITA, you can comfortably focus on writing.

 CTC (Crestec Translation Center) Translation-Support System

This module minimizes translation costs by centrally managing the translation memory and using our own temporary translation engine. In addition, because the module uses a glossary and is equipped with a function for spell checks, tag verifications, and other QA checks in real-time, it helps prevent errors and mistakes.

 Automatic DTP

This module converts written and translated documents directly into PDF or HTML data. In addition, optional features such as revision history management and comparison of differences allow you to improve the efficiency of your editing and proofreading.

2. Jourei-kun Law Document Support System

There is no work more cumbersome for law-document professionals than law-document work in which clauses, regulations, and ordinances are updated daily. "Jourei-kun" supports the entire work process for law documents, from creating the draft, to promulgation, enactment, and management of the revision history. Currently, over 200 local governments and organizations (universities, independent administrative institutions, bar associations, and so on) in Japan have introduced "Jourei-kun."


3. YAMATO UTA Document Comparison and Detailed-Checking Tool for Japanese

YAMATO UTA is a general term used for a suite of software modules that were developed to improve the work efficiency for checking contracts, official documents, manuals, and web content and to improve the quality of Japanese text. Because the modules were designed so that each module could be provided as a functional unit that could be incorporated easily into existing systems, they can be used with many systems.


Three Modules Comprising "YAMATO UTA"

1 UTAYOMi Document-Comparison Module

By creating comparison tables showing the new and previous documents, this module shortens the time required for proofreading. The module shows the changed locations, making it possible to perform computer-aided checks for omitted revisions, incorrect values, and garbled characters.

2 UGUHiSU Detailed-Checking Tool for Japanese

This module was designed to support the proofreading of content such as Japanese web pages before they are released publicly. The module compares the Japanese sentences to specified patterns and outputs a message if the sentences match the patterns. The pattern files have a format that can be customized easily so that the detailed checking can be adapted to each target document.

3 KASEN Revised Text Creation Module

Revised sentences are created based on a comparison table of new and previous text, such as when revisions of clauses and ordinances are created automatically. Because the module can be customized according to the client's revision rules, the revised text can be created exactly as intended.