
  1. Sustainability
  2. Environmental Activities

Environmental Activities

Environmental Action Guidelines

・Comply with all laws and regulations related to Crestec’s business activities.

・Adhere to the procurement standards required by customers, and manage the procurement of materials and products.

・Strive to reduce the environmental impact of our business activities.

・Monitor electricity and gasoline consumption, and implement measures to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

・Strive to reduce the consumption of natural resources and carry out recycling.

・Promote the recycling of paper so that it can be effectively used as recycled paper. ・Monitor water usage in order to implement measures to conserve natural resources.

・Tackle SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

Promote environmental conservation, preservation of the natural environment, and support activities for educational environments.

・Thoroughly control the chemicals in the materials used for our products.

Continue our efforts to ensure that our products do not contain toxic chemicals.

・Through employee training and throughout our business activities, ensure that all of our employees are familiar with the environmental policy.

・Contribute to environmental conservation in local communities.

Based on the Environmental Action Guidelines stated above, each of Crestec’s domestic locations

are engaged in “Eco-Action 21” and chemical substance management activities.

ISO14001 Certification

ISO14001 is an international standard for an “environmental management system” that companies can use to develop, plan, and carry out environmental policies, verify the results of those policies, and implement corrective measures. Many of our overseas production sites have acquired ISO14001 certification and strive to protect the global environment.

- Sites that have acquired ISO14001 certification
China: Dongguan and Suzhou, Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia

FSC Certification

FSC certification is a system through which products are delivered from well-managed forests to the consumer in a manner that is transparent and well suited for producing environmental, social, and economic benefits, thereby returning economic benefits to producers. Crestec Group will continue to be a supporter of forest conservation activities.

- FSC Certified Sites
         Certificate Code   License Code
China:Dongguan SGSHK-COC-011642 FSC-A000523
China:Suzhou   BV-COC-887799   FSC-C057366
Indonesia     TT-COC-007381   FSC-C155418
Ohno Printing   BV-COC-136467   FSC-C136467

Introduction of Renewable Energy

Crestec's new head office building in Hamamatsu was completed in autumn of 2022.
Solar panels installed on the roof provide a portion of the site's energy needs through renewable energy.

Head Office Building Roof (Hamamatsu)

The use of renewable energy produced by the sun contributes to preserving the earth's environment by reducing the emission of greenhouse gases. Crestec will continue to actively promote the installation of more solar panels and the introduction of storage batteries with the aim of expanding power consumption through renewable energy.

Cleanup Activities in Local Communities

Various groups and associations carry out cleanup activities in local communities.
We actively participate in these activities in order to support the local communities.

33rd Welcome Sea Turtles Clean-Up Operation

19 volunteers (including family members) participated in the “33nd Welcome Sea Turtles Clean-Up Operation” held by the city of Hamamatsu. (Sunday, May 8, 2022)
The objective of this event is to clean up the shoreline in order to create the type of pristine beaches necessary for the treasured Loggerhead Turtle to lay its eggs. Crestec volunteers have been regular participants since 2012.